McLean & Brown was pleased to be an exhibitor at the National Summit for Emerging Tribal Economies held in Phoenix, AZ, September 17 - 19, 2002
The Summit's "Telecommunications Day" was held on September 19, and during their remarks to the attendees both FCC Chairman Michael Powell and FCC Commissioner Michael Copps stressed the key role that telecommunications capability, particularly broadband capability, will play in building and sustaining strong tribal economies.
Both men discussed the role that targeted universal service funding plans such as the Tribal Lifeline and Tribal Linkup Programs can play in bringing communications capabilities to people living on or near reservations. They urged Tribes and telecommunications companies serving Indian Country to become active in the ongoing FCC proceedings that will shape the future of universal service.
Shown here are two examples of our mapping analysis tools usings Housing Units (HU's) as the unit of measure; click on each map to make it larger and more readable.
McLean & Brown specializes in rural telephony issues nationwide, particularly when it concerns bringing affordable and advancing telecommunications services to high-cost rural areas. We have many databases and tools that will assist in the analysis of telephone development, as well as the use of universal service support mechanisms on individual Reservations.
M&B is well equipped to assist in the development of effective advocacy in support of appropriate state and federal funding and regulatory actions, all with the ultimate goal of advancing telecommunications infrastructure on Tribal lands.
Call us or contact us for other examples of our mapping analysis capabilities and for more information on our other database tools.